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*Please note: this recording is not approved for CE credits
This discussion provides US clinicians with the most up-to-date information on treatment and monitoring protocols for FIP that are being routinely utilized in Australia, the UK and Japan. This webinar aims to bring a very practical focus to ensure general practitioners feel confident to start readily treating these cases.
Dr. Sally Coggins graduated from The University of Sydney, Australia in 2007 and has been a feline-only clinician since 2010. She attained memberships in feline medicine with the ANZCVS in 2012, was a director at The Cat Clinic Melbourne, an examiner with the ANZCVS, and tutors for the Centre for Veterinary Education. Since 2020, Sally has been completing a PhD investigating antiviral therapies for FIP, where she conducted a national prospective study utilizing remdesivir and GS-441524; characterized the in vitro and in vivo pharmacokinetics of remdesivir in cats with FIP; co-authored a retrospective collaborative study assessing treatment outcomes of 307 cats treated with remdesivir and GS-441524 and has ongoing research collaboration with the US, UK, Germany and New Zealand. Sally also continues to practice clinically one day a week at Evervet in Melbourne, Australia.
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